
Ceylon True Cinnamon

When we revise a flashback towards the history of Ceylon true cinnamon there lies a matter as crystal clear for the highest evaluation of various people from various countries. The people global wide highly turned their fancies for the cinnamon in sri Lanka because they have realized the specific health properties which includes in Ceylon cinnamon over many centuries passed by many generations.

Cinnamon powder is very versatile kind of spice that used in cooking and baking all over the world as a flavouring spice to taste food such as salad, stews, sauces , confectionaries and also in beverages and used as a food preservative also offers you a number of health benefits.

Cinnamon tea is an extra beverage which can be used in any time of the day that is beneficial for many common uncommunicable diseases such as heart disease , diabetes , neurodegenerative diseases , stress and anxiety further more can be used as a medicinal drink.