
Ceylon Cloves

 Cloves in Sri Lanka have been famous among the both countries Western an Oriental prized for its distinct flavor and aroma along with its medicinal qualities.

Botanically , it belongs to the Myrtaceae Family named as Syzygium Aromaticum and cloves are the immature buds of a evergreen tree.

In addition to its flavouring and seasoning substances the cloves in Sri Lanka contain medicinal properties with a healing power for several aliments. Cloves regulate blood sugar meanwhile it improves liver health and oral health also improves respiratory tract health as the same soothes mental tension as well aches, and what’s more it improves scalp health and it is a real medicine against tooth decay. Ceylon True Cinnamon Company provides cloves to the markets in the world round as natural cloves and clove powder protecting its super qualities .
like wise colour , taste and aroma.